29 potential problems detected: Problem 1 [AWS002] Resource 'aws_s3_bucket.logging' does not have logging enabled. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/cloudtrail/main.tf:29-34 26 | } 27 | } 28 | 29 | resource "aws_s3_bucket" "logging" { 30 | bucket_prefix = var.name 31 | force_destroy = true 32 | 33 | count = "${var.no_logging ? 0 : 1}" 34 | } 35 | 36 | resource "aws_s3_bucket_policy" "CloudTrailS3Bucket-Policy" { 37 | bucket = "${aws_s3_bucket.logging[0].id}" Problem 2 [GEN003] Block 'aws_db_instance.main' includes a potentially sensitive attribute which is defined within the project. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/rds/main.tf:14 11 | instance_class = "db.t2.micro" 12 | name = var.name 13 | username = "foo" 14 | password = "foobarbaz" 15 | skip_final_snapshot = true 16 | 17 | auto_minor_version_upgrade = "${var.no_minor_upgrade ? false : true}" Problem 3 [GEN003] Block 'provider.aws' includes a potentially sensitive attribute which is defined within the project. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/sadcloud/providers.tf:11 8 | #BASC 9 | provider "aws" { 10 | access_key = "XXXX" 11 | secret_key = "XXXX" 12 | region = "us-east-1" 13 | } 14 | Problem 4 [AWS002] Resource 'aws_s3_bucket.main' does not have logging enabled. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/s3/main.tf:1-38 1 | resource "aws_s3_bucket" "main" { 2 | bucket_prefix = var.name 3 | acl = "private" 4 | 5 | dynamic "server_side_encryption_configuration" { 6 | for_each = var.no_default_encryption ? [] : list(var.no_default_encryption) 7 | 8 | content { 9 | rule { 10 | apply_server_side_encryption_by_default { 11 | sse_algorithm = "AES256" 12 | } 13 | } 14 | } 15 | } 16 | 17 | dynamic "logging" { 18 | for_each = var.no_logging ? [] : list(var.no_logging) 19 | 20 | content { 21 | target_bucket = "${aws_s3_bucket.logging[0].id}" 22 | target_prefix = var.name 23 | } 24 | } 25 | 26 | versioning { 27 | enabled = "${var.no_versioning ? false : true}" 28 | mfa_delete = false 29 | } 30 | 31 | dynamic "website" { 32 | for_each = var.website_enabled ? [] : list(var.website_enabled) 33 | 34 | content { 35 | index_document = "index.html" 36 | } 37 | } 38 | } 39 | 40 | resource "aws_s3_bucket" "logging" { 41 | bucket_prefix = var.name Problem 5 [AWS002] Resource 'aws_s3_bucket.logging' does not have logging enabled. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/s3/main.tf:40-45 37 | } 38 | } 39 | 40 | resource "aws_s3_bucket" "logging" { 41 | bucket_prefix = var.name 42 | acl = var.bucket_acl 43 | 44 | count = "${var.no_logging ? 0 : 1}" 45 | } 46 | 47 | data "aws_iam_policy_document" "force_ssl_only_access" { 48 | # Force SSL access Problem 6 [AWS002] Resource 'aws_s3_bucket.getonly' does not have logging enabled. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/s3/main.tf:101-105 98 | count = "${var.s3_getobject_only ? 1 : 0}" 99 | } 100 | 101 | resource "aws_s3_bucket" "getonly" { 102 | bucket_prefix = "sadcloudhetonlys3" 103 | 104 | count = "${var.s3_getobject_only ? 1 : 0}" 105 | } 106 | 107 | resource "aws_s3_bucket_policy" "getonly" { 108 | bucket = "${aws_s3_bucket.getonly[0].id}" Problem 7 [AWS002] Resource 'aws_s3_bucket.public' does not have logging enabled. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/s3/main.tf:135-139 132 | count = "${var.s3_public ? 1 : 0}" 133 | } 134 | 135 | resource "aws_s3_bucket" "public" { 136 | bucket_prefix = "sadcloudhetonlys3" 137 | 138 | count = "${var.s3_public ? 1 : 0}" 139 | } 140 | 141 | resource "aws_s3_bucket_policy" "public" { 142 | bucket = "${aws_s3_bucket.public[0].id}" Problem 8 [AWS002] Resource 'aws_s3_bucket.access_logging' does not have logging enabled. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/elbv2/main.tf:1-6 1 | resource "aws_s3_bucket" "access_logging" { 2 | bucket_prefix = var.name 3 | acl = "private" 4 | 5 | count = "${var.no_access_logs && (var.no_deletion_protection || var.older_ssl_policy) ? 1 : 0}" 6 | } 7 | 8 | resource "aws_lb" "main" { 9 | load_balancer_type = "application" Problem 9 [AWS005] Resource 'aws_lb.main' is exposed publicly. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/elbv2/main.tf:8-19 5 | count = "${var.no_access_logs && (var.no_deletion_protection || var.older_ssl_policy) ? 1 : 0}" 6 | } 7 | 8 | resource "aws_lb" "main" { 9 | load_balancer_type = "application" 10 | enable_deletion_protection = !var.no_deletion_protection 11 | subnets = ["${var.main_subnet_id}","${var.secondary_subnet_id}"] 12 | 13 | access_logs { 14 | bucket = "${aws_s3_bucket.access_logging[0].bucket_prefix}" 15 | enabled = !var.no_access_logs 16 | } 17 | 18 | count = "${(var.older_ssl_policy || var.no_access_logs || var.no_deletion_protection) ? 1 : 0}" 19 | } 20 | 21 | resource "aws_lb_target_group" "main" { 22 | port = 80 Problem 10 [GEN003] Block 'aws_redshift_cluster.main' includes a potentially sensitive attribute which is defined within the project. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/redshift/main.tf:27 24 | resource "aws_redshift_cluster" "main" { 25 | cluster_identifier = var.name 26 | master_username = "foo" 27 | master_password = "Password1" 28 | node_type = "dc1.large" 29 | cluster_type = "single-node" 30 | skip_final_snapshot = true Problem 11 [AWS008] Resource 'aws_security_group.all_ports_to_all' defines a fully open ingress security group. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/ec2/main.tf:45 42 | from_port = 0 43 | to_port = 0 44 | protocol = -1 45 | cidr_blocks = [""] 46 | } 47 | 48 | egress { Problem 12 [AWS009] Resource 'aws_security_group.all_ports_to_all' defines a fully open egress security group. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/ec2/main.tf:52 49 | from_port = 0 50 | to_port = 0 51 | protocol = -1 52 | cidr_blocks = [""] 53 | } 54 | 55 | egress { Problem 13 [AWS008] Resource 'aws_security_group.all_ports_to_self' defines a fully open ingress security group. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/ec2/main.tf:73 70 | from_port = 0 71 | to_port = 0 72 | protocol = -1 73 | cidr_blocks = [""] 74 | self = true 75 | } 76 | Problem 14 [AWS009] Resource 'aws_security_group.all_ports_to_self' defines a fully open egress security group. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/ec2/main.tf:81 78 | from_port = 0 79 | to_port = 0 80 | protocol = -1 81 | cidr_blocks = [""] 82 | } 83 | 84 | egress { Problem 15 [AWS008] Resource 'aws_security_group.icmp_to_all' defines a fully open ingress security group. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/ec2/main.tf:102 99 | from_port = 0 100 | to_port = 0 101 | protocol = "icmp" 102 | cidr_blocks = [""] 103 | } 104 | 105 | egress { Problem 16 [AWS009] Resource 'aws_security_group.icmp_to_all' defines a fully open egress security group. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/ec2/main.tf:109 106 | from_port = 0 107 | to_port = 0 108 | protocol = -1 109 | cidr_blocks = [""] 110 | } 111 | 112 | egress { Problem 17 [AWS008] Resource 'aws_security_group.known_port_to_all' defines a fully open ingress security group. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/ec2/main.tf:130 127 | from_port = 22 # SSH 128 | to_port = 22 129 | protocol = "tcp" 130 | cidr_blocks = [""] 131 | } 132 | 133 | ingress { Problem 18 [AWS009] Resource 'aws_security_group.known_port_to_all' defines a fully open egress security group. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/ec2/main.tf:200 197 | from_port = 0 198 | to_port = 0 199 | protocol = -1 200 | cidr_blocks = [""] 201 | } 202 | 203 | egress { Problem 19 [AWS008] Resource 'aws_security_group.opens_plaintext_port' defines a fully open ingress security group. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/ec2/main.tf:221 218 | from_port = 21 # FTP 219 | to_port = 21 220 | protocol = "tcp" 221 | cidr_blocks = [""] 222 | } 223 | 224 | ingress { Problem 20 [AWS009] Resource 'aws_security_group.opens_plaintext_port' defines a fully open egress security group. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/ec2/main.tf:235 232 | from_port = 0 233 | to_port = 0 234 | protocol = -1 235 | cidr_blocks = [""] 236 | } 237 | 238 | egress { Problem 21 [AWS008] Resource 'aws_security_group.opens_port_range' defines a fully open ingress security group. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/ec2/main.tf:256 253 | from_port = 21 254 | to_port = 25 255 | protocol = "tcp" 256 | cidr_blocks = [""] 257 | } 258 | 259 | egress { Problem 22 [AWS009] Resource 'aws_security_group.opens_port_range' defines a fully open egress security group. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/ec2/main.tf:263 260 | from_port = 0 261 | to_port = 0 262 | protocol = -1 263 | cidr_blocks = [""] 264 | } 265 | 266 | egress { Problem 23 [AWS008] Resource 'aws_security_group.opens_port_to_all' defines a fully open ingress security group. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/ec2/main.tf:284 281 | from_port = 21 282 | to_port = 21 283 | protocol = "tcp" 284 | cidr_blocks = [""] 285 | } 286 | 287 | egress { Problem 24 [AWS009] Resource 'aws_security_group.opens_port_to_all' defines a fully open egress security group. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/ec2/main.tf:291 288 | from_port = 0 289 | to_port = 0 290 | protocol = -1 291 | cidr_blocks = [""] 292 | } 293 | 294 | egress { Problem 25 [AWS009] Resource 'aws_security_group.whitelists_aws_ip_from_banned_region' defines a fully open egress security group. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/ec2/main.tf:319 316 | from_port = 0 317 | to_port = 0 318 | protocol = -1 319 | cidr_blocks = [""] 320 | } 321 | 322 | egress { Problem 26 [AWS009] Resource 'aws_security_group.whitelists_aws' defines a fully open egress security group. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/ec2/main.tf:347 344 | from_port = 0 345 | to_port = 0 346 | protocol = -1 347 | cidr_blocks = [""] 348 | } 349 | 350 | egress { Problem 27 [AWS009] Resource 'aws_security_group.whitelists_unknown_cidrs' defines a fully open egress security group. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/ec2/main.tf:375 372 | from_port = 0 373 | to_port = 0 374 | protocol = -1 375 | cidr_blocks = [""] 376 | } 377 | 378 | egress { Problem 28 [AWS009] Resource 'aws_security_group.unused_security_group' defines a fully open egress security group. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/ec2/main.tf:401 398 | from_port = 0 399 | to_port = 0 400 | protocol = -1 401 | cidr_blocks = [""] 402 | } 403 | 404 | egress { Problem 29 [AWS005] Resource 'aws_elb.main' is exposed publicly. /home/rami/Documents/Desktop/Development/sadcloud/modules/aws/elb/main.tf:1-22 1 | resource "aws_elb" "main" { 2 | name = var.name 3 | availability_zones = ["us-east-1a"] 4 | count = "${var.no_access_logs ? 1 : 0}" 5 | 6 | dynamic "access_logs" { 7 | for_each = var.no_access_logs == true ? [] : list(var.no_access_logs) 8 | 9 | content { 10 | bucket = "foo" 11 | bucket_prefix = "bar" 12 | interval = 60 13 | } 14 | } 15 | 16 | listener { 17 | instance_port = 8000 18 | instance_protocol = "http" 19 | lb_port = 80 20 | lb_protocol = "http" 21 | } 22 | } 23 |